
Alliance Comparison

#54889 6819 Feather #1679
Avg: 261 Top: 361
1Drone(361) 3Info(316) 4DA(285) 3SA 1CWA 3AA 1GA 1EA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Hung Drone 361 Romans
2 互動的是 Info 324 Romans
3 聖龍鬥士 Info 317 Chinese
4 奈無極 DA 314 French
5 萬樂珠 Info 307 Romans
6 bob SA 291 Chinese
7 忽B烈 DA 287 Greeks
8 Liu SA 276 British
9 23214295 DA 271 Romans
10 Wai Yip DA 269 Greeks
11 qaz456 AA 263 Romans
12 Sugar Daddy AA 262 Chinese
13 ANDY CWA 236 Germans
14 將軍令 SA 230 Chinese
15 神奇饅頭 AA 175 Korean
16 中文统治 GA 139 Greeks
17 奇異果博士 EA 113 Chinese
Team No Mercy
#52730 9859 Feather #1540
Avg: 252 Top: 404
1Drone(353) 5Info(335) 1DA(282) 3SA 3CWA 2AA 2IA 1Iron
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Uber Stef Info 404 Greeks
2 Misiu Drone 353 French
3 Bonkersville Info 337 Romans
4 The boss SA 327 Chinese
5 Jurian Info 319 Chinese
6 Dragon spear CWA 310 French
7 Trentman Info 309 British
8 Quinnopolis Info 305 British
9 Fallen Angels CWA 298 French
10 Rambo DA 282 Romans
11 Sir SA 254 British
12 Craigo SA 230 Romans
13 Nik CWA 196 French
14 mitkoz AA 183 French
15 The Sour Lemon IA 176 French
16 say AA 153 Chinese
17 mohammad IA 88 Romans
18 Echo new-member Iron 15 Chinese