
Alliance Comparison

Worldwide Elite
#4685 12331 Feather #1305
Avg: 253 Top: 418
2Auto(416) 2Drone(345) 10Info(319) 5DA 6SA 7CWA 7AA 2GA 1IA 1EA 1GP 1MA 1CA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 King Bdub Auto 418 Romans
2 Decebal Auto 415 Chinese
3 Addilynnn DA 376 French
4 Kebbletown Drone 352 Japanese
5 King Doeja Info 343 Romans
6 Lord Eric Drone 338 British
7 Robo Info 337 British
8 King Daddy SA 331 Chinese
9 Nanolandia Info 330 British
10 OCCARDS Info 317 Chinese
11 Sorcerer place Info 317 Chinese
12 Foster Info 316 French
13 Stonehedge Info 311 British
14 Savvy DA 308 Greeks
15 Hwulfila Info 308 Greeks
16 Sina DA 307 Germans
17 Markham DA 306 British
18 Lamville Info 305 Greeks
19 Balerion Info 303 Japanese
20 Pain SA 291 Germans
21 Kurtis CWA 290 Chinese
22 Ghoster DA 279 Romans
23 Thor SA 268 Greeks
24 Salltar SA 249 Greeks
25 Halland SA 248 Romans
26 Goober AA 247 Korean
27 Godhani Farm AA 245 Chinese
28 evi SA 242 Greeks
29 BWise CWA 237 Germans
30 PetyrBaelish GA 227 Germans
31 NoOne CWA 220 Chinese
32 King baba CWA 218 Romans
33 Simba CWA 209 Japanese
34 Nay AA 208 Chinese
35 The enlightened AA 199 Chinese
36 Muzic King CWA 190 British
37 The Afrikaners GA 188 Japanese
38 mustafa CWA 183 British
39 Rick2020 IA 164 Japanese
40 Carthaginians AA 156 Chinese
41 dani AA 156 Chinese
42 Ronald AA 152 Japanese
43 xXDYNASTYXx EA 80 Korean
44 Lucky GP 64 French
45 Wolfie MA 59 Romans
46 LETHARGIC BONG CA 43 Japanese
Minnesota Nice
#3678 13245 Feather #1197
Avg: 312 Top: 378
1Auto(378) 1Drone(351) 3Info(336) 3DA 4SA 2CWA 1AA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Lothar Auto 378 Chinese
2 Palehorse Info 377 Romans
3 Jon DA 358 Greeks
4 Ethan Drone 351 Greeks
5 By-Tor DA 347 Japanese
6 Cal Info 326 French
7 Sir Bob DA 313 Germans
8 Hedgamer CWA 309 Japanese
9 Firepee Info 304 Romans
10 Lefty SA 303 Japanese
11 Steve SA 290 Romans
12 Smudgy AA 272 Chinese
13 Evens15 CWA 268 Chinese
14 DP! SA 247 British
15 Bloomer Pudding SA 244 Japanese