
Alliance Comparison

Jedi Warriors
#53314 9070 Fly #2433
Avg: 181 Top: 364
1Drone(360) 1Info(364) 3DA(315) 2SA 5CWA 4AA 3GA 4IA 3EA 2GP 1MA 1CA 3Iron
# Name Age Level Nation
1 bev Info 364 Chinese
2 Koray Drone 360 Japanese
3 Valkyrie DA 352 British
4 Chris DA 320 Chinese
5 Mongie CWA 307 British
6 Dospawn SA 292 Chinese
7 Invincible One DA 272 Chinese
8 CaptainD AA 256 Germans
9 Vincimus AA 254 French
10 Cupcake AA 241 Romans
11 Mateo SA 230 Romans
12 Brute CWA 226 Japanese
13 StrokerAce454 CWA 223 Greeks
14 Arren GA 222 British
15 Daneli AA 207 Germans
16 Paulus Maximus CWA 201 Chinese
17 Giorgi revishvi CWA 186 British
18 Shadow Slayers GA 179 Chinese
19 Enlightend1 IA 156 Greeks
20 MyBoiGoza IA 152 Germans
21 Ragnar GA 140 Romans
22 The Dude EA 133 Japanese
23 Max and Liam EA 118 Chinese
24 oceanmeadow IA 114 Germans
25 Sam IA 112 Germans
26 Space invader GP 84 Chinese
27 Charles XII GP 78 French
28 Dragonslayer EA 73 Chinese
29 khorbi MA 45 Germans
30 Chaos Demon CA 40 Chinese
31 Nice 2 Iron 15 French
32 Iron Healer Iron 14 Korean
33 THE KING Iron 13 British
Hoth Ski Patrol
#3388 13633 Fly #1179
Avg: 230 Top: 363
2Drone(358) 1Info(351) 4DA(314) 5SA 3CWA 7AA 3GA 4IA 2EA 2GP 1MA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 God Drone 363 Japanese
2 ENZO Drone 354 Romans
3 Aloas Info 351 British
4 Meathead DA 340 Korean
5 species 8472 DA 325 British
6 Gtdrfghu SA 319 Greeks
7 Jon DA 307 British
8 Perleeville SA 303 British
9 유리열쇠 CWA 293 Germans
10 John CWA 289 Japanese
11 Dominishans DA 282 Romans
12 Sparrow SA 279 Greeks
13 Genocide CWA 266 Romans
14 Kevin SA 262 French
15 Matt SA 253 Chinese
16 Paulus AA 249 Romans
17 Lumster GA 240 Chinese
18 Dave AA 239 Romans
19 Wawker AA 234 Japanese
20 Moode AA 230 British
21 wolf AA 220 Japanese
22 ars AA 218 Chinese
23 Mstrom GA 201 French
24 Sirdiesalot72 IA 184 French
25 ليث AA 177 Chinese
26 M. Fu IA 162 Chinese
27 Ggff GA 151 Greeks
28 I.R.A. Officer IA 145 Chinese
29 Ttv.jo2tr new-member EA 129 Chinese
30 Sccm IA 113 British
31 Mcloserface GP 109 Greeks
32 Lost_SendHelp GP 108 British
33 bleh EA 99 Japanese
34 JVT MA 36 French