
Alliance Comparison

#828 5258 Feather #213
Avg: 230 Top: 446
5Auto(422) 4Drone(367) 3Info(320) 2DA 1SA 6CWA 3AA 7GA 6IA 4EA 2GP
# Name Age Level Nation
1 hamza Auto 446 Germans
2 OKZON Auto 426 Japanese
3 afyon03 Auto 421 Chinese
4 Kara Ressam Auto 421 Chinese
5 Süleyman Auto 397 Romans
6 Emre Drone 392 Chinese
7 HsN Drone 382 Germans
8 Psikopatik Drone 353 British
9 rafetadiyaman25 Drone 342 Chinese
10 musti Info 329 Chinese
11 Red Info 328 Germans
12 yakarikempes CWA 308 Chinese
13 KRAL AKREP Info 303 Japanese
14 pipetcan DA 294 Romans
15 Ali CWA 287 Greeks
16 okan DA 280 French
17 aslan bey CWA 264 Germans
18 Barbaros CWA 260 Korean
19 enes batur kaza AA 252 French
20 Çepni Beyi CWA 243 Romans
21 baku nzs SA 221 Chinese
22 Kaan CWA 192 Greeks
23 mustafa new-member GA 180 Germans
24 Vezir2 IA 175 Chinese
25 ykp06 AA 173 Chinese
26 Boss GA 173 Greeks
27 savasci AA 168 Germans
28 Avcı IA 164 Chinese
29 olkn GA 160 Japanese
30 Ege new-member IA 142 Germans
31 samet new-member GA 138 Chinese
32 selim pro_07 GA 138 French
33 Fercort_junior GA 134 Chinese
34 İSİMSİZ ORDU 2 GA 131 Romans
35 Emin IA 126 Japanese
36 Avcı avlayan IA 123 Chinese
37 Çalaperdi 5 IA 122 Chinese
38 Süvari new-member EA 114 Greeks
39 Beko GP 91 Japanese
40 Ressam EA 89 Chinese
41 CAGRİİ EA 79 French
42 Maestro EA 74 Japanese
43 WANTED new-member GP 54 Chinese
DutchFire NL BE
#1877 3107 Light #243
Avg: 294 Top: 464
9Auto(430) 5Drone(388) 4Info(368) 4DA 3SA 6CWA 2AA 1GA 1IA 2EA 1GP 1MA 2Iron
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Tummes Auto 464 Romans
2 Daynamo2004 Auto 459 Romans
3 Webby Auto 453 Romans
4 Webby Auto 453 Romans
5 Blokzijl Auto 442 Romans
6 Poppie Drone 421 Romans
7 Peregijn Auto 421 Romans
8 Kokosmakroon Drone 417 Chinese
9 Killertijger Drone 404 Romans
10 FYKO Auto 400 Romans
11 Vlugge Japie Auto 393 Greeks
12 Svr Auto 389 Romans
13 Falcon Info 378 Romans
14 Liflife Info 374 Romans
15 Panda Info 361 Japanese
16 Brutus from Omi Info 361 Korean
17 max Drone 359 Romans
18 Quaron DA 357 Romans
19 Daantje Drone 337 Chinese
20 Huub SA 333 Greeks
21 Ton DA 327 Romans
22 Wieeen DA 326 Germans
23 Gavin CWA 296 Greeks
24 Wuppie DA 293 Greeks
25 Peter CWA 291 Romans
26 Bonki CWA 267 Germans
27 Hak_74 AA 252 Chinese
28 Andre the King SA 247 Romans
29 scorpio AA 241 Romans
30 Els CWA 238 British
31 Kira SA 220 British
32 Kira CWA 215 British
33 Marjan1 CWA 202 Romans
34 Chimae GA 147 Greeks
35 Naat61 EA 121 Chinese
36 General Colin IA 112 Germans
37 Hertog-Jan EA 110 Germans
38 Snowman GP 103 Chinese
39 kira2 MA 45 Romans
40 Tummes3 Iron 10 Chinese
41 Tummes2 Iron 10 Chinese