
Alliance Comparison

Black Dawn Rise
#55756 3960 Fly #3284
Avg: 208 Top: 386
1Auto(386) 2Info(327) 3SA(253) 4CWA 1AA 1GA 4IA 2EA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Baseball22v2 Auto 386 Germans
2 Daddy Info 335 Greeks
3 General Hill Info 319 British
4 skaffaan SA 274 Romans
5 Mark SA 250 British
6 zsö SA 236 British
7 Greeks CWA 230 Korean
8 Usapxie Village CWA 205 French
9 nebula AA 204 Germans
10 semtex CWA 192 Germans
11 Middlesbrough CWA 184 Japanese
12 KLINGSHIRN GA 165 Chinese
13 Kathryn2.0 IA 161 Chinese
14 القدس IA 131 Chinese
15 Supreme Godking EA 122 Greeks
16 Kurori IA 120 Japanese
17 Mr.unknown IA 115 Greeks
18 Shriners EA 109 Korean
The Dachshunds
#52286 10234 Fly #2169
Avg: 234 Top: 377
1Auto(377) 1Info(336) 2DA(314) 2SA 1AA 1IA 1EA 1GP
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Goldie Auto 377 Romans
2 NRK Info 336 Germans
3 Plebe DA 335 Romans
4 Dot DA 294 Romans
5 Bville SA 255 Japanese
6 Filz SA 247 British
7 ANDREXFOX AA 221 Romans
8 Tres the Great IA 141 Japanese
9 Realestaten00b EA 86 Japanese
10 Ewan GP 46 Korean