
Alliance Comparison

#802 5358 Light #141
Avg: 192 Top: 452
5Auto(409) 1Drone(350) 2Info(336) 2DA 3SA 6CWA 4AA 6GA 4IA 5EA 7GP 2MA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Humungos Auto 452 Romans
2 Ninico Auto 432 Romans
3 wellfrank Auto 397 British
4 Algredo Auto 391 Romans
5 João Pedro Auto 373 Romans
6 Marau Drone 350 Romans
7 Apocalipse Info 341 French
8 Belo Horizonte new-member Info 331 Korean
9 Pedrosa Mor DA 298 Japanese
10 B31 DA 273 Germans
11 Rod SA 258 Romans
12 Camila SA 256 Chinese
13 podock SA 256 Romans
14 skykrus CWA 238 French
15 Cristiano BH CWA 220 Romans
16 Müller CWA 211 Romans
17 rei omar CWA 193 Chinese
18 FireLion CWA 192 Germans
19 ⚡KELVYN⚡⚔️ GA 186 Romans
20 ROGERS CWA 185 Romans
21 ksksk GA 180 Chinese
22 Antonio GA 174 French
23 Rorto new-member AA 167 Romans
24 pambu njila AA 164 Chinese
25 joao matador new-member AA 162 French
26 B32 GA 158 Germans
27 Guerreiro AA 156 Germans
28 JHONN27 GA 151 British
29 Carlão EA 149 Greeks
30 Kabuul GA 134 Romans
31 Treck B31 EA 129 Germans
32 épica IA 118 Romans
33 Rod2 IA 116 Romans
34 Kuwagta_1230 GP 114 Greeks
35 Rei Ezequias new-member EA 109 British
36 Elizyum IA 107 French
37 Eximusv2 EA 102 French
38 Tomas GP 99 Chinese
39 M.MENDONCA IA 98 Germans
40 Gilmar David GP 98 Germans
41 ExJr GP 88 Greeks
42 Stronda GP 87 French
43 LordLucas EA 86 Germans
44 Chefe MA 81 French
45 Drs MA 69 Japanese
46 Fazenda Nogueir GP 66 Korean
47 Lopes GP 52 Chinese
The Unwanteds
#1652 3276 Fly #330
Avg: 219 Top: 458
2Auto(416) 6Drone(362) 4Info(320) 3DA 2SA 3CWA 6AA 7GA 6IA 4EA 2GP 2MA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Bajs Auto 458 Romans
2 Spike Drone 375 Korean
3 OO7 Auto 373 Germans
4 Satrap Drone 367 Romans
5 Sugma Drone 367 Romans
6 Spartan-134 Drone 363 French
7 catdaddy DA 363 British
8 ooklade33 Drone 356 Chinese
9 SirScottE Drone 341 Japanese
10 TheDoctor Info 330 Japanese
11 Lord Honey Info 330 Korean
12 Bestoros Info 317 Japanese
13 William Info 301 Chinese
14 Wildfire kelly AA 286 French
15 Carlos C Danger DA 275 Chinese
16 Officer CWA 268 Germans
17 Moses DA 266 Germans
18 saga CWA 263 British
19 Ogelthorpe AA 234 British
20 Komal SA 234 Germans
21 abbefest GA 231 Chinese
22 Enigmaaaaaaaaaa SA 224 Chinese
23 Ghostly GA 207 Greeks
24 Dominator Marvel IA 193 Romans
25 billbo 1986 AA 191 British
26 Raghu Ram CWA 190 French
27 Arcadia IA 184 British
28 Pen 15 City GA 184 Japanese
29 Jay GA 174 Japanese
30 RedStorm4662 AA 168 British
31 Manowar AA 161 Germans
32 NT'home AA 157 Romans
33 Gentle GA 148 Germans
34 jvris GA 146 Chinese
35 Emperor Ace EA 138 Chinese
36 Scipio Asina GA 133 Romans
37 King of Skiller EA 131 Greeks
38 Monkey D. Garp new-member IA 126 Japanese
39 mouse IA 123 British
40 kijo bae EA 115 Chinese
41 KorakiInDark IA 110 Germans
42 Magic EA 91 Chinese
43 Scurls IA 90 French
44 MasterJames GP 76 Romans
45 Kob Renzi MA 55 Romans
46 Mr Krabs GP 54 Korean
47 akn enimpier MA 33 Chinese