
Alliance Comparison

#55860 3214 Inactive #7712
Avg: 194 Top: 268
2DA(266) 1CWA(234) 3AA(190) 2GA 1IA 1EA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 홍카 ㅋㅋ DA 268 Romans
2 재홍사랑 DA 264 Korean
3 천상산적 CWA 234 Korean
4 갓에넬 AA 232 Korean
5 91민수 GA 192 Germans
6 천수형 AA 173 Korean
7 김영국 GA 172 Korean
8 최강쭌쭌 AA 165 Korean
9 설월화 IA 149 Greeks
10 광개토대제 EA 93 Korean
The Rangers
#3675 13256 Fly #1277
Avg: 222 Top: 349
2Info(330) 2DA(308) 5SA(253) 3CWA 6AA 1GA 3IA 1EA 1GP
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Sogatask Info 349 Japanese
2 Lord Business Info 310 Greeks
3 Dusty Dorito DA 309 British
4 sicnarf21 DA 307 French
5 George SA 276 Romans
6 Bone AA 272 Japanese
7 Bidzin SA 258 Greeks
8 Limbour CWA 246 Romans
9 GhostFace SA 245 Romans
10 jose SA 244 Chinese
11 Erik the Great SA 242 British
12 deestroyer CWA 230 Romans
13 Vernon town CWA 226 Chinese
14 GeorgeDan AA 225 Korean
15 TerraBellator AA 212 Romans
16 City of Gods AA 201 Greeks
17 ACE IA 194 Chinese
18 Willson AA 191 Romans
19 caligula AA 176 Greeks
20 The Knight IA 169 French
21 Papa_Africa GA 133 Korean
22 Kaw Thoo Lei IA 127 Romans
23 Jerry the Grand EA 111 British
24 Deathknight04 GP 71 French