
Alliance Comparison

#4214 12681 Fly #1435
Avg: 234 Top: 390
1Auto(390) 2Drone(374) 5Info(346) 10DA 2SA 2CWA 3AA 4GA 4IA 2EA 2GP 2CA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Armagedon Auto 390 French
2 pief Drone 388 Chinese
3 Dido Info 373 Chinese
4 LordLalo Info 368 Chinese
5 Azucarlito Info 367 French
6 El Grande Drone 361 Chinese
7 Paulo DA 332 Germans
8 stun Info 321 Romans
9 El toco DA 315 Romans
10 Shirion Info 300 Japanese
11 Sniper DA 295 Chinese
12 Strong Garull SA 292 Romans
13 Erosalandia DA 289 Chinese
14 pepe DA 288 Chinese
15 Pocholi DA 285 Korean
16 Guzmán DA 279 Japanese
17 Manuel URU DA 278 Korean
18 Alfre DA 276 Greeks
19 Patoten DA 275 Chinese
20 alexis5 AA 261 Chinese
21 Publio AA 247 Greeks
22 Maurito SA 246 British
23 amo supremo CWA 204 French
24 Rock Hard GA 203 Germans
25 Alexis CWA 189 Korean
26 MOT IA 186 Chinese
27 Monolo AA 179 British
28 aguslandia(; IA 168 British
29 alv GA 153 Romans
30 zzcsf IA 147 Greeks
31 los reyes GA 146 Japanese
32 Adrián GA 140 Greeks
33 toni GP 134 Chinese
34 El indestructib EA 128 British
35 pepe IA 125 British
36 Jordi EA 85 British
37 Pepet11 GP 70 Greeks
38 soldier3387 CA 34 French
39 apocalipsis CA 23 Chinese
The OnyX Pack
#4046 12968 Fly #1388
Avg: 230 Top: 358
1Drone(341) 3Info(308) 6DA(293) 5SA 2CWA 3AA 3GA 2IA 2EA 1MA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Vexander DA 358 Greeks
2 Abbazabba SA 348 Germans
3 Germ Drone 341 Romans
4 King pete Info 310 Greeks
5 Thornwell Info 309 French
6 davido Info 306 British
7 Rwayvex SA 298 Germans
8 Korg DA 297 Greeks
9 Derek DA 297 Chinese
10 trashed DA 275 Romans
11 Prashant DA 267 Chinese
12 City of God DA 265 British
13 am1no SA 259 Japanese
14 Wendell SA 259 Chinese
15 Thor23 SA 241 Korean
16 cddc AA 235 Romans
17 MOADIB GA 233 Chinese
18 Machine gun SbK AA 219 Japanese
19 James CWA 208 Japanese
20 Noakim warrior CWA 201 Japanese
21 Hasta La Vista AA 178 Japanese
22 Korg GA 135 Germans
23 Prashant GA 132 Romans
24 olek IA 116 British
25 LeDuh IA 114 Chinese
26 Ellis Squirtle new-member EA 93 Korean
27 Mizan EA 72 Greeks
28 Captain Cook MA 63 Romans