
Alliance Comparison

Born in USSR
#385 6074 Feather #58
Avg: 261 Top: 467
7Auto(430) 3Drone(343) 4Info(338) 3DA 6SA 6CWA 2AA 4GA 7IA 2EA 2GP
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Roman Auto 467 Germans
2 Oleas Auto 464 Chinese
3 Alexander Auto 443 Germans
4 Kok Auto 429 Chinese
5 Vitaliy Auto 424 Romans
6 Churs42 Auto 407 Chinese
7 baragoznic Info 385 Germans
8 диитрий new-member Auto 375 Romans
9 ьаллаалвд Drone 350 Romans
10 LEKA Drone 340 Chinese
11 Uralak Drone 339 Chinese
12 Maxim Info 332 French
13 деман Info 324 Greeks
14 Rus SA 313 Romans
15 AJIucTep Info 312 French
16 Темный_Лорд SA 301 Germans
17 Tartar DA 292 Chinese
18 uragan CWA 290 Chinese
19 петр new-member DA 290 Romans
20 царь CWA 287 French
21 Azamat CWA 277 Romans
22 Дмитрий1977 CWA 272 Chinese
23 Ель мир DA 270 Romans
24 хервам AA 258 Romans
25 marin SA 249 Japanese
26 ИЗЯ GA 239 Romans
27 радмир SA 239 Chinese
28 Демьян SA 239 Chinese
29 Saftario SA 228 Korean
30 хрыч GA 205 Chinese
31 Валерия GA 201 Chinese
32 Гизмо IA 201 Korean
33 vvhh AA 197 Chinese
34 Олегон CWA 189 Romans
35 Органайз CWA 181 Chinese
36 лорд IA 159 Japanese
37 Данил IA 158 Chinese
38 черный GA 151 Japanese
39 ChrisC IA 149 Romans
40 Павлесиссимо EA 137 French
41 Aleksey IA 132 Germans
42 Гроби409 IA 120 Germans
43 ALEKSANDR IA 118 Chinese
44 HyMeHopeLL EA 97 Romans
45 Ruslan new-member GP 95 British
46 Dimedron GP 93 Korean
Dixie Nation
#448 5892 Feather #88
Avg: 283 Top: 437
3Auto(405) 10Drone(376) 7Info(344) 4DA 3SA 5CWA 3AA 3GA 1IA 2EA 1GP 1MA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Land of Dixie Drone 437 Chinese
2 Capt. Crunch Drone 425 British
3 pete Auto 413 Chinese
4 Sizeon48 Drone 408 British
5 Kingus G Info 406 Greeks
6 Philemon Auto 405 Germans
7 legend 1981 Auto 396 Romans
8 Odin Info 392 Chinese
9 Zap DA 373 British
10 Row Burt Drone 370 Romans
11 kerfuffle Drone 366 Germans
12 Halodragin88 Info 365 Romans
13 mum Drone 363 Romans
14 Awen Drone 357 Germans
15 CHELSEA KINGDOM Drone 351 Chinese
16 Hiiiii Drone 351 Korean
17 Queen Stephie DA 342 French
18 KRS1 Drone 337 Chinese
19 Havoc Info 325 Germans
20 Angelslayer Info 311 British
21 Sarah Info 305 French
22 Thefall3n Info 304 Japanese
23 Victorious Pnut CWA 303 French
24 Kangton DA 298 Romans
25 Smex The Great CWA 295 Romans
26 Drakecula SA 266 Korean
27 trey DA 263 Greeks
28 JAFFO AA 261 Greeks
29 Famong SA 243 British
30 Home new-member SA 243 Greeks
31 Ragnar CWA 217 Chinese
32 S ꓶ Ǝ ꓶ ꓶ Ɐ ꓤ Ɐ GA 212 Greeks
33 ddjdjdjnd CWA 186 British
34 Noku AA 186 French
35 Guyck CWA 185 French
36 Untamed GA 182 Romans
37 CrazyGamer AA 163 Korean
38 naser GA 163 Romans
39 hamidroos IA 105 Chinese
40 Grace EA 97 Chinese
41 jewelz EA 69 Chinese
42 hamidomidi new-member GP 67 Chinese
43 BarbarianPrince MA 43 Chinese