
Alliance Comparison

Buckeye Nutbags
#1312 18226 Feather #586
Avg: 254 Top: 460
3Auto(442) 5Drone(375) 2Info(354) 6DA 6SA 5CWA 1AA 2GA 5IA 1EA 2MA 2CA 2Iron
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Zeph Auto 460 Chinese
2 Seabass Auto 449 Chinese
3 Emper Jason Auto 418 Chinese
4 Jonboy th'Elder Drone 417 Chinese
5 Destroyer Drone 391 Romans
6 Old King Cole Drone 383 Chinese
7 Hyrule Info 373 Greeks
8 Wallace DA 360 Romans
9 Marcus216 DA 353 Greeks
10 Almonis Drone 345 Korean
11 Gary Drone 341 Romans
12 Nice Guy Info 336 Romans
13 Bad Mother Fo SA 332 Chinese
14 New Wan SA 328 British
15 Seanicus DA 327 Chinese
16 James DA 325 Romans
17 Peter Ageless SA 316 Chinese
18 Beerhound41 CWA 314 Romans
19 Medictaz DA 313 French
20 Conqueryou DA 308 Romans
21 The mere SA 302 Romans
22 Benamin CWA 285 Romans
23 HAMEZ SA 281 British
24 Phineas CWA 281 Japanese
25 Arif AA 254 Chinese
26 Seadogger SA 254 British
27 Ammar CWA 222 Korean
28 JBWRomaNoV GA 200 Greeks
29 Guy CWA 195 Romans
30 Colvinz GA 186 Greeks
31 Boren IA 171 Chinese
32 JC2005 IA 163 Chinese
33 Palestineknight IA 144 Germans
34 Prince22l EA 141 Greeks
35 Rip_Luca IA 125 Romans
36 Sir Walt IA 116 Romans
37 KALLLEN MA 36 British
38 Detroiters MA 33 Greeks
39 Kreaq0 CA 26 Romans
40 GrahamaticaThe1 CA 22 French
41 Vaibhav thenoob Iron 17 Greeks
42 Panther Iron 9 French
Kyiv Alcoholics
#429 21999 Feather #195
Avg: 279 Top: 432
5Auto(411) 4Drone(359) 5Info(334) 5DA 8SA 6CWA 5AA 2GA 1IA 1EA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Big Grange Auto 432 Germans
2 Джон Ле Тессье Auto 418 Germans
3 Mykola Auto 407 Germans
4 SAS Auto 402 Germans
5 Andron Auto 398 Germans
6 Александр UA Drone 382 Germans
7 Соболь Drone 381 Chinese
8 Kreks Info 352 Romans
9 moe Info 347 Romans
10 wer SA 338 Romans
11 Miro Drone 337 Germans
12 фисташка3009 Drone 336 Germans
13 Алекс Info 330 British
14 Pepe the Pip Info 325 Chinese
15 VVV Info 318 Romans
16 юрий DA 303 Greeks
17 SSS DA 302 Germans
18 V valentin CWA 292 Chinese
19 vvv DA 280 Romans
20 andron DA 277 Greeks
21 Semzik CWA 271 Chinese
22 smax DA 271 French
23 Ракъуш CWA 270 Romans
24 тукитук SA 270 Chinese
25 SvoLocH SA 267 British
26 VIT 1985 CWA 262 Chinese
27 Hawker AA 252 Greeks
28 zet9007 SA 250 Romans
29 Figaro SA 250 Germans
30 iK1dE SA 249 French
31 наманган SA 245 Chinese
32 Андрій SA 233 French
33 МАКСИМУС AA 215 British
34 Alex CWA 211 Chinese
35 Александр GA 211 Chinese
36 хацапетовка AA 204 Romans
37 тогогорлоibal CWA 196 British
38 Андрей AA 171 Greeks
39 Goplit AA 164 Greeks
40 ZKD GA 134 Chinese
41 ttt IA 100 Germans
42 Назар EA 66 British