
Alliance Comparison

Galicia Activa
#2950 2663 Fly #1157
Avg: 265 Top: 427
2Auto(426) 2Drone(384) 2Info(318) 1DA 3SA 5CWA 7AA 2GA 2EA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Hansell IV Auto 427 Chinese
2 cacA Auto 426 Chinese
3 gonzaxin2 Drone 393 British
4 Jose Drone 374 Chinese
5 EricPS DA 365 Germans
6 Angoristia Info 325 Chinese
7 Singladura Info 310 Romans
8 yomismo CWA 300 Japanese
9 Vinardell SA 288 British
10 connor_bsc AA 285 Greeks
11 Miguellon AA 264 Japanese
12 sr. aizack AA 255 French
13 Ciudad Perdida CWA 254 Korean
14 Pableras AA 253 Greeks
15 wolfi6058 AA 246 Romans
16 marco CWA 242 Chinese
17 Pipo CWA 242 Chinese
18 josenoe SA 235 British
19 Aquiles SA 224 French
20 Kijsbzbzhdnsnsk CWA 197 Germans
21 Langran AA 197 Japanese
22 DaniBravo86 GA 190 Romans
23 Trajano GA 180 Romans
24 milton AA 164 Romans
25 GuilleBierzo EA 151 French
26 david EA 101 Greeks
Guards of Night
#2825 2802 Fly #1085
Avg: 219 Top: 389
1Auto(389) 3Drone(369) 3Info(353) 3DA 4CWA 3AA 5GA 1IA 1EA 1GP 3MA 1Iron
# Name Age Level Nation
1 WhiteNight Auto 389 Chinese
2 Shank Info 381 French
3 DDogg2001 Drone 380 Romans
4 Invictus VII Info 372 Greeks
5 Tommahawks Drone 370 Chinese
6 potter Drone 358 Chinese
7 Mesolongi Info 307 Greeks
8 Anhedonia DA 285 Chinese
9 T's DA 275 Japanese
10 HảiMario DA 266 Japanese
11 Fallimore2.0 CWA 260 Romans
12 Lorranstone GA 238 Chinese
13 natas AA 229 Romans
14 Nox GA 212 Romans
15 wolfe CWA 211 French
16 Fff CWA 203 French
17 Jimmy Danger GA 203 Japanese
18 Steven C GA 191 French
19 Almighty IA 189 Korean
20 Arun Gowda CWA 183 Germans
21 My Grace AA 169 Romans
22 Rhaegar AA 163 Greeks
23 Gundre GA 157 Korean
24 Toasty EA 146 French
25 KungFuPanda MA 56 Chinese
26 555 GP 52 Romans
27 Pathos of Wicka MA 45 French
28 Ender MA 39 British
29 flomdom Iron 19 Korean