
Alliance Comparison

#8324 1598 Feather #1026
Avg: 223 Top: 408
4Auto(390) 3Drone(359) 1Info(331) 2DA 1SA 4CWA 5AA 4GA 1EA 3GP 1MA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Eddy Auto 408 Germans
2 Leon Auto 401 Romans
3 Soy su padre Auto 379 Romans
4 Raziel Drone 379 Romans
5 PETARE Auto 372 Germans
6 Jakur Drone 355 Greeks
7 Rufus Drone 343 Chinese
8 mike Info 331 Chinese
9 carmagmir2 DA 292 Germans
10 URBINA DA 283 Romans
11 KATIA new-member SA 250 Romans
13 Valkiria AA 224 British
14 Rufustafurus CWA 219 Korean
15 BOMBILLA CWA 218 Romans
16 Alan GA 217 French
17 Sindybebe CWA 197 Japanese
18 Trajano AA 189 Romans
19 francisco AA 166 Romans
20 luki AA 163 Japanese
21 slim shady AA 162 British
22 Lpm GA 153 Chinese
23 Luckmon GA 135 Chinese
24 David.cuelar.M GA 131 French
25 Eddy2 EA 70 Chinese
26 Amac king GP 69 Romans
27 ESCIPIÓN GP 58 Romans
28 rocky GP 42 French
29 M4T14S MA 25 Korean
Middle Girth
#2247 2349 Light #263
Avg: 293 Top: 429
4Auto(416) 2Drone(346) 1Info(339) 1DA 4SA 3AA 1IA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Emperor Rotgut Auto 429 Germans
2 Rampage Auto 416 Japanese
3 Commander Auto 411 Romans
4 Zxa Auto 409 Chinese
5 Gngbstr Drone 354 Greeks
6 Dr. Lonely Info 339 Germans
7 Jonolus Drone 337 Romans
8 Kyle DA 280 Romans
9 Andy AA 279 British
10 mrbadphoto SA 258 Chinese
11 るるる SA 248 Germans
12 luigi SA 240 Romans
13 SLACKER SA 231 Chinese
14 Hari the Great AA 188 Romans
15 lluigi AA 154 Romans
16 God of war IA 120 Japanese