
Alliance Comparison

#529 21277 Feather #245
Avg: 210 Top: 416
4Auto(398) 1Drone(358) 3Info(324) 3DA 6SA 6CWA 4AA 1GA 2IA 3EA 4GP 3MA 2Iron
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Рома Auto 416 Germans
2 алекс Auto 398 Germans
3 Artoz Auto 398 Germans
4 ride Auto 380 Germans
5 Gerostratt Drone 358 Germans
6 July DA 336 Germans
7 Санек Info 331 Germans
8 Алекс Info 321 British
9 Blackvatikan Info 319 Chinese
10 Artozz SA 306 French
11 MANOWAR DA 284 French
12 мусорок DA 274 Germans
13 SirSerg9779 new-member SA 258 Greeks
14 Осириус SA 253 Greeks
15 Whitevatikan CWA 244 French
16 Baralgin AA 241 Romans
17 Лерой SA 238 French
18 slayer SA 238 French
19 maks1981 SA 222 Korean
20 Мотя CWA 220 Germans
21 юля GA 218 British
22 лотос AA 217 British
23 Михалыч CWA 213 Germans
24 WarStone CWA 210 Chinese
25 джокер AA 204 Germans
26 Дуат CWA 201 Korean
27 Nik777 CWA 193 Romans
28 Георгий IA 186 Germans
29 Палач Рока AA 180 Chinese
30 Ibrahim new-member EA 127 Chinese
31 Про IA 112 British
32 рома GP 108 French
33 алекс new-member EA 106 French
34 Мульт artoz GP 100 Chinese
35 silver new-member EA 79 Germans
36 Андруха GP 76 Chinese
37 Rickk1 new-member MA 66 French
38 WarandWar MA 57 British
39 Дони new-member GP 57 Romans
40 Abdulqodir 2 MA 53 Romans
41 Роман Iron 8 French
42 mult Iron 8 Germans
red and black
#1261 18648 Feather #577
Avg: 269 Top: 405
5Auto(393) 5Drone(349) 1Info(345) 6DA 5SA 3CWA 6AA 1GA 1IA 1EA 1GP 1Iron
# Name Age Level Nation
1 vale Auto 405 Chinese
2 Colon Auto 402 Chinese
3 Bernie Auto 400 Chinese
4 Bad boy Auto 384 French
5 Moon Auto 375 French
6 yogi Drone 369 Greeks
7 Captain America Drone 360 Chinese
8 boos Info 345 French
9 Tada Drone 342 British
10 sudipta Drone 337 French
11 MohanKK Drone 335 French
12 The Last Post SA 331 Romans
13 King king DA 324 British
14 Aelendril SA 313 Chinese
15 BFITS DA 310 French
16 Ady DA 300 French
17 Høgild DA 298 Germans
18 Charlie SA 286 Chinese
19 Greek Warrior SA 278 French
20 charbel DA 271 Greeks
21 azeriboy DA 267 French
22 Ziza SA 267 Germans
23 Bobthegreat AA 255 Romans
24 Mudassar AA 240 Greeks
25 lord topper AA 239 Japanese
26 bale AA 221 Germans
27 MrRoger AA 212 French
28 salsa80 CWA 211 Chinese
29 Area 50 CWA 203 British
30 HiTo AA 183 Japanese
31 lad52 CWA 181 British
32 Yoyo GA 158 Germans
33 toshim new-member IA 120 Korean
34 fyrestryke new-member EA 89 Chinese
35 luckofeclipse new-member GP 74 Germans
36 bub Iron 16 Chinese