
Alliance Comparison

Billbo Bobbins
#3644 13278 Fly #1273
Avg: 238 Top: 319
3DA(294) 3SA(262) 6CWA(268) 3AA 2GA 1EA 1GP
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Arwhap13 DA 319 Romans
2 Trowa Barton SA 314 Japanese
3 TheNightKing74 CWA 310 British
4 Bob the Nasty CWA 299 British
5 Nezz DA 293 French
6 Swindon CWA 287 British
7 LilSwarve CWA 286 Chinese
8 monkey ass DA 269 Chinese
9 earslam SA 251 Chinese
10 Kittu AA 248 Chinese
11 Sultan Sakib AA 229 Chinese
12 ขอขอบคุณค่ะ CWA 224 British
13 Bob SA 222 Romans
14 Phoebe AA 218 Greeks
15 Viking CWA 202 British
16 Lokesh GA 182 Romans
17 laloumy EA 140 Chinese
18 pipacska GA 135 Greeks
19 Awsomeness GP 96 Greeks
The War Hammers
#51994 10457 Fly #2125
Avg: 242 Top: 367
1Drone(367) 1Info(343) 4DA(282) 1SA 3CWA 1AA 2GA 4IA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 dani Drone 367 Germans
2 Ragnar Info 343 Greeks
3 Sunny DA 308 Germans
4 Dubya CWA 295 Chinese
5 Xan the Warrior DA 288 Romans
6 Legendary Hawks SA 286 French
7 Trash DA 268 Chinese
8 Niko Maximus DA 263 Germans
9 Kevin CWA 248 Germans
10 Spartan117 new-member CWA 244 French
11 Tyler GA 200 Romans
12 KingAlexander GA 193 Greeks
13 ali001 IA 193 British
14 stg AA 187 French
15 GrimGodzilla IA 163 Germans
16 ShadowBladeWWR IA 139 French
17 Cooper the Dog IA 130 Chinese