
Alliance Comparison

Kungfu Fighters
#305 23002 Light #55
Avg: 354 Top: 465
13Auto(418) 6Drone(358) 7Info(336) 2DA 3SA 1Iron
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Cimulescu Auto 465 Romans
2 Mongols Auto 453 Chinese
3 Great the Chris Auto 445 Germans
4 Bob Auto 443 Germans
5 AK4 Auto 435 Romans
6 Kevin Auto 415 Germans
7 Marko Auto 411 Romans
8 San Auto 410 Chinese
9 Great the Nate Auto 408 Chinese
10 Dragonfire Auto 403 Chinese
11 AWD Auto 383 Romans
12 Cyrus Auto 382 Romans
13 Mark Drone 382 Romans
14 whywhy Auto 375 Germans
15 LinLin Drone 365 Chinese
16 Zaffri Info 358 Germans
17 China dave Drone 357 British
18 Scott Drone 354 Germans
19 Ken Tang DA 351 Germans
20 Repuplic Akins new-member Info 350 British
21 Alpha218 Drone 349 Korean
22 Death Info 344 British
23 Tgggh Drone 338 French
24 Benzadrine Info 335 Korean
25 Wand Info 335 Germans
26 Patti Info 318 Chinese
27 Ragnar Info 313 British
28 ATOMIC DA 286 Romans
29 GeneraLeelost SA 262 Chinese
30 Bunna SA 257 Japanese
31 Portsea SA 238 British
32 Tiger39 Iron 9 Chinese
# Warcoholics #
#253 23438 Feather #93
Avg: 317 Top: 473
10Auto(427) 3Drone(358) 4Info(331) 7DA 3SA 2AA 1GA 1IA 2GP
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Lucky Auto 473 Germans
2 St0ne Auto 465 Chinese
3 kkn Auto 440 Chinese
4 Noksu Auto 436 Germans
5 Flo Auto 430 Chinese
6 Caesar Auto 423 Germans
7 Jens Auto 418 Germans
8 Boyd Mc B. Auto 417 Chinese
9 Naima Auto 399 Germans
10 terraman Auto 373 Korean
11 Noamuseanymore Drone 368 Korean
12 Volker Drone 367 Chinese
13 Glen Fiddich DA 354 Romans
14 Rumpelstilzchen Info 343 Germans
15 Sir William DA 342 Chinese
16 pifox Drone 340 Germans
17 Stf Info 337 Germans
18 Oetzen DA 336 Romans
19 Mr (Big) T. Info 331 Germans
20 cat Info 313 Korean
21 Hutzifer DA 297 Chinese
22 Kilian DA 293 Chinese
23 Apokalypse SA 281 Germans
24 Ares DA 280 British
25 Z O R R O DA 280 Germans
26 STF SA 255 Germans
27 BLABLA SA 226 Germans
28 Nero 09 AA 211 Chinese
29 Stubenhocker AA 182 Germans
30 Tobi II GA 136 Germans
31 JBH IA 124 French
32 Tim GP 120 Germans
33 MiniBar GP 56 Germans