
Alliance Comparison

#352 6256 Light #52
Avg: 326 Top: 442
7Auto(416) 6Drone(348) 3Info(329) 1DA 3SA 4CWA 1IA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Los vagos Auto 442 Romans
2 Inmortales Auto 436 Korean
3 Guajolote Auto 420 Romans
4 lycan Auto 419 Germans
5 Leader new-member Auto 413 Germans
6 Last king Aztec Auto 405 Germans
7 Toister Auto 375 Greeks
8 Balinor Drone 369 British
9 Pepinero Drone 349 Greeks
10 Lucamaba Drone 347 Chinese
11 Emmanuelux Drone 345 Japanese
12 fen Drone 341 Chinese
13 Jorvi Drone 338 British
14 jmgornatti Info 329 Japanese
15 Axon96 Info 329 Greeks
16 Aczino Info 328 Germans
17 Licenciadoomar SA 324 Romans
18 Smartpolis DA 288 Japanese
19 King white CWA 261 Greeks
20 Frk19 SA 254 Germans
21 DESTRUCTORmx CWA 246 Greeks
22 xX N6 Xx SA 241 French
23 Aztek CWA 237 Romans
24 Luca CWA 194 Romans
25 xXdiegorunerXx IA 131 Chinese
United Nations
#1263 3525 Feather #390
Avg: 228 Top: 445
5Auto(415) 5Drone(358) 2Info(335) 4DA 2SA 8CWA 6AA 3GA 4IA 3EA 2GP 1MA 1Iron
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Lord Auto 445 Germans
2 Zog Auto 439 Romans
3 Mokal Auto 418 Romans
4 Anubis Auto 390 Romans
5 Moonraker Auto 385 Germans
6 Johnny the 1st Drone 374 French
7 LV426 Drone 364 Romans
8 Deland teach Drone 361 Korean
9 Chris Drone 357 Germans
10 onlyonejake Info 348 Chinese
11 Stuart Drone 334 Chinese
12 Lord Anubis Info 322 Romans
13 Hatake DA 309 Chinese
14 Eer DA 305 British
15 Red Dragon DA 298 Romans
16 Noha DA 296 Romans
17 Rob CWA 250 Romans
18 Petsa SA 236 Greeks
19 Matanzas Teach SA 234 Chinese
20 pic and loot AA 227 British
21 Milton CWA 218 British
22 hoàng luân CWA 211 Chinese
23 Vulcan Prime AA 204 Romans
24 Gragra62 CWA 199 British
25 timmo CWA 192 Germans
26 uruq CWA 190 British
27 Fazaldomin2 CWA 188 Greeks
28 AVA Kingdom CWA 186 Romans
29 mas AA 180 Romans
30 MemeMan69 AA 180 Germans
31 Abhi AA 175 Japanese
32 Praetor AA 173 Greeks
33 小徐Pixel_Mint IA 172 British
34 Sir Elliot IA 163 French
35 Origae 6 GA 150 Romans
36 KinG BirDs GA 141 Korean
38 Valamiuj IA 137 Chinese
39 spinda IA 135 Chinese
40 Napleon GP 96 Greeks
41 UrDadBroLolz GP 91 British
42 Mad drag EA 91 Greeks
43 charan EA 66 Romans
44 Methaluniea EA 64 British
45 pickle man MA 55 Korean
46 Kayla Iron 20 Greeks