
Alliance Comparison

Молодые львы
#247 8130 Middle #36
Avg: 311 Top: 457
3Auto(427) 6Drone(355) 7Info(324) 2DA 3SA 5CWA 1AA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Vit Auto 457 Germans
2 виктор Auto 444 Germans
3 серж Drone 386 British
4 ВИКТОР ll new-member Auto 381 Germans
5 Димарик Drone 361 Germans
6 Андрей Info 357 Greeks
7 Демативатор Drone 351 Romans
8 Ёлка Drone 345 Chinese
9 Алекса Drone 344 Germans
10 Давид Drone 342 Germans
11 Филипп Info 330 French
12 Живите жнецом Info 329 Germans
13 KLIM Info 323 Chinese
14 -tixiy- Info 315 Chinese
15 Мирвлад Info 308 Greeks
16 jama Info 307 British
17 Автозавод DA 306 British
18 wutang2 CWA 298 Japanese
19 Eugeen DA 295 Germans
20 Василий Бакулин CWA 276 Japanese
21 Алсу SA 240 British
22 raminka77 SA 239 Greeks
23 Манрт SA 239 Germans
24 Dmitry CWA 232 Japanese
25 Крис CWA 214 Greeks
26 Лол CWA 193 Romans
27 Александр 3 new-member AA 175 Germans
Death and Taxes
#2970 1961 Middle #148
Avg: 314 Top: 472
7Auto(444) 2Drone(335) 4Info(358) 2DA 7SA 3CWA 1AA 1GA 1IA 1EA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Iron Hawks Auto 472 Greeks
2 Raye Auto 464 Romans
3 Bompa Auto 463 Romans
4 Timrah Auto 459 Chinese
5 Mate Auto 437 Romans
6 Ofrod Auto 408 Chinese
7 The Cokecans Info 402 Romans
8 009613752704 Auto 402 Chinese
9 Rebels Info 400 Greeks
10 magic minions Drone 336 Greeks
11 grim Drone 334 Romans
12 Supersport DA 330 Chinese
13 Thunder Info 327 French
14 The Starks SA 324 British
15 GatorNation Info 305 Romans
16 Sir Charles SA 294 British
17 SaTaN DA 294 Romans
18 Barbarian CWA 285 Chinese
19 Sheethaul CWA 281 Greeks
20 King Hcahsem SA 279 British
21 zana new-member CWA 272 French
22 UrGonnaDieClown SA 243 Chinese
23 HONZ SA 241 Romans
24 The aristocrats SA 228 British
25 Matthew SA 220 Japanese
26 Fireblade GA 208 British
27 Wolfkiss AA 168 Greeks
28 Thunder Ghost EA 129 Chinese
29 Edem Tettey new-member IA 101 British