
Alliance Comparison

Union 420
#54790 7039 Fly #2949
Avg: 254 Top: 373
1Auto(373) 1Drone(353) 2Info(346) 3DA 2SA 5CWA 3AA 1GA 1GP 1MA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Sonicmax Auto 373 Romans
2 Socrates Drone 353 Greeks
3 too fly Info 352 Korean
4 Eltroton SA 340 British
5 Jhvj Info 339 Germans
6 Scarface DA 286 Greeks
7 Skyfinger CWA 279 British
8 Bob DA 277 Greeks
9 Gojira AA 269 Greeks
10 Hombre DA 267 Romans
11 king AA 257 Korean
12 Page88 AA 256 Chinese
13 Olinad I CWA 237 Korean
14 hossienb13 CWA 237 British
15 Tekush SA 236 Greeks
16 Mary the Wise CWA 221 Romans
17 Ares CWA 207 Chinese
18 Grade A Gamer GA 157 French
19 bravo1 GP 70 Greeks
20 Pjt MA 68 Japanese
#53368 9192 Feather #1580
Avg: 225 Top: 376
1Auto(376) 3Drone(359) 2Info(318) 5DA 8SA 9CWA 5AA 2GA 6IA 1MA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 The King Auto 376 Germans
2 Fran113 Drone 366 Romans
3 Robiosijek Drone 358 French
4 Miatar Drone 353 Chinese
5 deebos Info 328 Japanese
6 Zeko Info 308 British
7 Skemba113 DA 297 British
8 Hrle DA 288 British
9 Leovill SA 285 French
10 KevTheGreat SA 283 Chinese
11 Horvati DA 281 Japanese
12 antherak CWA 278 Greeks
13 Alex SA 272 Chinese
14 ivek SA 271 Romans
15 Martin DA 269 Romans
16 Vnd0110 DA 264 Greeks
17 Nidjo CWA 260 British
18 Ivica SA 254 Germans
19 von bazooka SA 246 Germans
20 Crowillage SA 241 French
21 AHN SA 225 Romans
22 vjestac CWA 221 Chinese
23 luuson CWA 211 Germans
24 Big Don CWA 210 French
25 Wildlands CWA 204 Romans
26 Ty012875838 CWA 195 Chinese
27 CroatianKnight9 GA 186 Chinese
28 Yaba daba doo CWA 186 Japanese
29 Blue Flame CWA 183 Japanese
30 slave AA 176 Germans
31 zuzika AA 176 Greeks
32 Orange AA 173 Japanese
33 Teamb AA 169 French
34 the king IA 168 British
35 Matanovic AA 162 Greeks
36 Felopian Towne GA 137 Chinese
37 SpamNoHam420 IA 126 Greeks
38 ukrajinac IA 123 Germans
39 domination IA 122 Romans
40 samar IA 100 French
41 叭叭叭 IA 90 British
42 Kim Shin MA 43 Korean