
Alliance Comparison

#2133 15820 Inactive #306
Avg: 179 Top: 371
1Auto(371) 1DA(276) 3SA(260) 1CWA 1AA 1IA 1EA 2GP 1CA 1Iron
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Vartowij Auto 371 Chinese
2 Rett SA 294 Chinese
3 kisa DA 276 Korean
4 Роман SA 244 British
5 ZOT правитель CWA 243 British
6 Charon SA 243 Romans
7 ZOTМЛАДШИЙ AA 208 French
8 Egor IA 176 Germans
9 танк GP 85 Chinese
10 король13 EA 75 Korean
11 Папа Римский GP 71 Japanese
12 вадимус про CA 30 Romans
13 juuule Iron 14 Romans
Army of Erebor
#1007 19235 Fly #229
Avg: 112 Top: 314
1DA(314) 2GA(146) 3IA(107) 2GP 1MA 1CA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Ilie DA 314 British
2 Black horse GA 157 British
3 **GunSlinger** GA 136 Germans
4 Filip the Great IA 125 French
5 SunTzu IA 114 Chinese
6 • Zeus • IA 82 Chinese
7 Stuart.Angus GP 79 Chinese
8 Thomas Shelby GP 46 British
9 hfry MA 32 Chinese
10 Georgi_23 CA 31 Germans