
Alliance Comparison

Iron Robber$
#145 9807 Heavy #79
Avg: 277 Top: 468
12Auto(424) 2Drone(342) 3DA(303) 3SA 7CWA 7AA 4GA 2IA 1EA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Kingdom Of Ox Auto 468 Chinese
2 Blackmamba Auto 463 Germans
3 Redneck Auto 448 Germans
4 Mamamoo Auto 435 Germans
5 Trox The Great Auto 419 Korean
6 Tupolev Auto 418 Germans
7 AARY Auto 418 Chinese
8 Rachel Auto 416 Germans
9 Davichi Auto 413 Germans
10 lady marmalade Auto 400 Germans
11 Leo Auto 398 Germans
12 wizywcl Auto 386 Germans
13 Al7alik DA 365 Japanese
14 Swarley Drone 345 Germans
15 Rodd Drone 339 Germans
16 Jay360z SA 308 Chinese
17 Stoney DA 280 British
18 Ken CWA 279 British
19 Cornpops SA 274 Romans
20 Wakka DA 265 Germans
21 fakov SA 248 Chinese
22 Alexis CWA 220 French
23 Moko CWA 212 British
24 Andromeda CWA 210 Germans
25 tam AA 209 Greeks
26 Andree new-member AA 198 Chinese
27 Bug Fire new-member CWA 188 Germans
28 Malik AA 186 Chinese
29 Gencromic CWA 184 Japanese
30 Jason CWA 184 Greeks
31 Hamid AA 179 Chinese
32 Chris new-member AA 176 Romans
33 Gringo IA 174 British
34 Hopie AA 173 Korean
35 AMERICA new-member GA 171 Germans
36 Mister G. AA 165 Greeks
37 StoneBoi EA 154 British
38 Ichal new-member GA 154 Chinese
39 Shadow new-member GA 151 British
40 oioioi new-member IA 147 Korean
41 Goldtown GA 137 Korean
Legion Española
#652 6585 Heavy #177
Avg: 310 Top: 464
14Auto(425) 5Drone(368) 3Info(359) 2DA 6SA 4CWA 5AA 6GA 1IA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 waterlakian Auto 464 Romans
2 Adria el grande Auto 459 Germans
3 PAULA Auto 446 Romans
4 jaci Auto 442 Romans
5 Furia Auto 431 Germans
6 xMorlans Auto 430 Germans
7 Adria el Pequeñ Auto 428 Germans
8 kyokushin Auto 428 Germans
9 kamelot Auto 424 Germans
10 jose Auto 407 Chinese
11 RGC Auto 405 Germans
12 matsu Auto 401 Greeks
13 Jero Auto 401 Chinese
14 King Alberto Info 385 Romans
15 Pepe Drone 384 Chinese
16 nial Auto 382 Germans
17 PERGAS CITY Info 380 Germans
18 Rik84 Drone 376 Germans
19 VulKan Drone 367 Germans
20 Thor Drone 359 Chinese
21 BRUTUS Drone 356 French
22 Chepo_JM DA 321 Germans
23 ObladoOblada SA 316 French
24 El Tiburon Info 313 Korean
25 cristorey SA 313 British
26 maryluz SA 308 Chinese
27 TÁNATOS DA 288 Greeks
28 nacluv SA 261 French
29 Azr AA 251 Germans
30 Sir.Paella AA 251 Romans
31 anthonny SA 248 Greeks
32 legolas SA 228 Chinese
33 aristoteles CWA 224 Germans
34 AlbaficaGH GA 218 Chinese
35 racknarock CWA 212 Romans
36 mugre GA 209 French
37 Koudelink GA 204 Chinese
38 oderin CWA 204 Romans
39 Makaveli AA 201 Germans
40 lautaro CWA 186 Romans
41 Serpi AA 179 Romans
42 los rechuchas AA 177 Korean
43 Destructortotal GA 171 French
44 PAU&PAT GA 162 Chinese
45 Vash GA 149 Chinese
46 Paul Gin IA 102 British