
Alliance Comparison

Lone Star Team
#5127 12141 Fly #1577
Avg: 190 Top: 386
1Auto(386) 1Drone(357) 2Info(310) 2DA 1SA 2CWA 2AA 3GA 2IA 3EA 1GP 3MA 1CA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 ℉€®N@N Auto 386 French
2 Sal cads Drone 357 Romans
3 Mommadorkfight DA 338 Greeks
4 DaddyDorkMaster Info 316 Romans
5 cosmin Info 305 Germans
6 The Valkryie CWA 293 Chinese
7 Victor DA 288 Japanese
8 Time Master SA 263 Greeks
9 yomi007k CWA 236 Chinese
10 Coconuts GA 206 Greeks
11 B Daddy Spud GA 205 Romans
12 A1Grimreaper AA 180 Japanese
13 sam IA 177 Greeks
14 Taxman AA 169 Romans
15 Luna GA 134 Chinese
16 woreor EA 121 Japanese
17 michas IA 119 French
18 Dork Warrior EA 116 Greeks
19 Momma EA 114 Greeks
20 Xenophobic13 MA 56 British
21 Tank One MA 56 Japanese
22 BLAZE GP 49 Japanese
23 WPGG MA 38 Greeks
24 Tank Two CA 36 Chinese
West coasters
#48896 11602 Fly #1705
Avg: 174 Top: 342
2DA(334) 1SA(253) 2CWA(240) 3AA 2GA 1IA 2EA 2GP 2Iron
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Brownsville DA 342 Germans
2 Huss DA 327 Romans
3 kingslanding CWA 285 Germans
4 Bas SA 253 Chinese
5 Ron s AA 232 British
6 Alexandria AA 226 Greeks
7 Leader GA 198 British
8 Khan AA 196 Romans
9 The olympians CWA 195 Korean
10 connie IA 185 Romans
11 Senior Willy GA 177 Japanese
12 1020 EA 99 Japanese
13 Boozer EA 85 Romans
14 taat GP 72 Japanese
15 Atlanta GP 62 Chinese
16 Ekiv Iron 15 Korean
17 bearz Iron 13 Romans