
Alliance Comparison

#55815 3576 Fly #3303
Avg: 163 Top: 255
2CWA(229) 1GA(205) 1IA(116) 1EA 1GP
# Name Age Level Nation
1 alex123 CWA 255 Japanese
2 totufo GA 205 Germans
3 irapuato3679 CWA 203 French
4 Benderaco IA 116 Chinese
5 Veloz36511238 EA 107 Korean
6 Veloz 919293 GP 91 Korean
Average Joe's
#54725 7167 Fly #2901
Avg: 237 Top: 314
1Info(314) 4DA(282) 3SA(234) 4CWA 2AA 1IA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Jan Info 314 Greeks
2 Bilerico DA 300 Germans
3 Split DA 296 Romans
4 Levie1104 CWA 273 Greeks
5 Leopold DA 267 Romans
6 FAST CO USMC DA 267 Chinese
7 Caesar SA 239 Romans
8 BigSwinginRick SA 237 Greeks
9 James the great AA 235 Romans
10 VisigothJim SA 225 Germans
11 Lady Skips CWA 219 Chinese
12 The Emperor CWA 213 French
13 Supreme Lord CWA 191 Romans
14 Mimi AA 159 British
15 Linjush IA 127 Japanese