
Alliance Comparison

War Inc.
#54760 7104 Fly #2917
Avg: 241 Top: 335
1Drone(335) 1Info(324) 2DA(286) 2SA 2CWA 3AA 1GA 2IA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Amar Drone 335 Romans
2 Brad the Great Info 324 Romans
3 FurseyBob DA 293 British
4 Caipira SA 289 Korean
5 Jeevan Reddy DA 279 Greeks
6 Northside Nik AA 268 Romans
7 White Night AA 266 Chinese
8 J Hova SA 241 Chinese
9 master sdq AA 236 Chinese
10 jutopia CWA 224 Greeks
11 Big boy CWA 210 Germans
12 Celt GA 157 British
13 AdewalexDBB IA 155 Chinese
14 Kingroad IA 103 Japanese
The Fedaykin
#55072 6456 Fly #3033
Avg: 265 Top: 319
1Info(319) 4DA(282) 2SA(253) 1CWA 3AA 1GA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 JarlUlfric Info 319 Greeks
2 Ray DA 290 Greeks
3 azog DA 286 Germans
4 Kandha AA 280 Romans
5 Stilgar CWA 279 Japanese
6 Emad DA 279 Greeks
7 Janine DA 275 French
8 Mongo SA 258 Romans
9 Zena SA 248 Romans
10 ARASH AA 240 Germans
11 Arian AA 225 Romans
12 Thymus GA 203 Greeks