
Alliance Comparison

Head Hunters
#51136 11035 Feather #1453
Avg: 239 Top: 398
1Auto(398) 3Drone(348) 1Info(365) 3DA 2IA 2EA 1CA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Montgomery Auto 398 Germans
2 mitko Info 365 Germans
3 Liam Drone 357 British
4 Jackool Drone 345 Germans
5 Henry Drone 343 British
6 SirDavid DA 322 British
7 Electrichris DA 299 Chinese
8 Martopia DA 280 Chinese
9 commander engla IA 115 British
10 getshartedon EA 113 Japanese
11 the Castle IA 84 Romans
12 Larry EA 63 British
13 Liam CA 19 British
the king
#53261 9251 Feather #1583
Avg: 235 Top: 427
2Auto(402) 2Drone(342) 1Info(308) 1DA 1SA 1CWA 1AA 3GA 2IA 1EA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 duong son Auto 427 British
2 CAHO Auto 376 British
3 haizzz Drone 347 British
4 Andy Drone 337 Greeks
5 Red Tiger Info 308 Romans
6 razy DA 287 British
7 tủy SA 239 French
8 MrKhang GA 206 British
9 sssss CWA 204 British
10 HAITAC AA 173 British
11 LC_QATA GA 160 Chinese
12 MrDuy GA 146 British
13 Max to Pax EA 120 British
14 loalo111 IA 103 French
15 khang cận IA 86 British