
Alliance Comparison

#1397 18072 Fly #361
Avg: 266 Top: 388
2Auto(380) 3Drone(363) 3Info(335) 2DA 1SA 6CWA 1AA 2GA 2GP
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Master hastings Auto 388 Romans
2 Sandman Drone 384 French
3 Cowboy Auto 373 Romans
4 schu Info 364 Germans
5 BooPooh Drone 353 Greeks
6 Beanonimous Drone 352 French
7 Yiannakis Info 333 Germans
8 Sir Belisarious Info 308 French
9 Yiannis DA 300 Chinese
10 LeoYahoo new-member CWA 299 Germans
11 XYZ SA 296 Japanese
12 cantor DA 277 Romans
13 The Grit CWA 257 Greeks
14 Mr Kaplan AA 236 Germans
15 Stebuscus CWA 205 Romans
16 Lake rat CWA 203 Romans
17 naveed CWA 202 French
18 Rlcchamp CWA 187 French
19 Mxnxmd GA 184 Chinese
20 Porkchops GA 177 Germans
21 Tarantula GP 104 Greeks
22 Abel GP 77 Romans
Two in the Bush
#719 20406 Fly #126
Avg: 231 Top: 439
4Auto(418) 1Drone(346) 1Info(339) 2DA 5SA 5CWA 3AA 4GA 6IA 2GP
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Rogue Lion Auto 439 Romans
2 Friendly One Auto 424 Germans
3 Legions Auto 405 Greeks
4 Tan Auto 404 Germans
5 Werewolf Drone 346 Romans
6 Sigfrida Info 339 Germans
7 Big Chief SA 325 French
8 Reaper DA 300 Germans
9 Sheriff DA 296 Germans
10 hate SA 252 Germans
11 Mo’s loveland SA 248 Chinese
12 prasoon CWA 241 French
13 Friendly One SA 240 Chinese
14 Dead-Again SA 237 Chinese
15 Thomptown CWA 235 Chinese
16 Black.kurdistan AA 225 Romans
17 OverKill CWA 211 Romans
18 Ops on the block CWA 211 Chinese
19 hải thọ CWA 190 Chinese
20 Enyo GA 188 French
21 king Odetje GA 180 Germans
22 War like people AA 178 French
23 jay GA 170 Germans
24 ihsan GA 167 British
25 chesse land IA 164 Japanese
26 yogapuram AA 157 French
27 King Swensrud IA 150 Germans
28 Hami IA 133 Germans
29 baobao IA 130 Romans
30 ScorpionKingJr IA 125 French
31 Pichmont IA 118 Japanese
32 Sothorios GP 107 Germans
33 Razvan212 GP 98 Japanese