
Alliance Comparison

#1372 4817 Middle #103
Avg: 341 Top: 468
5Auto(449) 8Drone(357) 2Info(326) 3DA 2SA 1CWA 1IA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Lex lutor Auto 468 Germans
2 LEGOLAS Auto 465 Germans
3 ANIMAL Auto 457 French
4 Top Gup Auto 440 British
5 Loop Auto 417 Romans
6 HUGO Drone 383 French
7 Tayrona Drone 365 Romans
8 yasel Drone 365 Romans
9 Jhonm Drone 364 Romans
10 Leoncin Drone 348 Romans
11 Vanch0 Drone 347 Germans
12 forbes el grand Drone 346 Germans
13 Puco Drone 340 Germans
14 Ⓓⓔⓝⓘⓢ Info 329 Germans
15 Monumental DA 325 Chinese
16 Notorius B.I.G Info 322 Romans
17 Leonardo DA 290 Romans
18 Elena de Troya SA 284 Greeks
19 El rey David DA 279 British
20 legion catra SA 258 Romans
21 reino anroya CWA 216 Japanese
22 Jhon R IA 89 Romans
Puppet Masters
#1259 5044 Middle #95
Avg: 218 Top: 444
4Auto(431) 3Drone(366) 2Info(332) 5DA 5SA 3CWA 3AA 3GA 9IA 2EA 5GP 2MA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 syncflood Auto 444 Korean
2 Est Auto 438 Germans
3 Wudekai Auto 423 Chinese
4 malosv Auto 418 Japanese
5 HollyGolightly Drone 383 Korean
6 Dejah Drone 372 Chinese
7 roony DA 342 Romans
8 Bughimen Drone 342 Romans
9 Tomazas Info 333 Romans
10 Warspite Info 330 British
11 EqualizerZA SA 312 Romans
12 Panos DA 288 Chinese
13 Dani the Great DA 278 French
14 Ortonville DA 271 Japanese
15 Ho Chi AA 265 Chinese
16 Hershy DA 265 Chinese
17 jeiw CWA 253 French
18 Bubba SA 252 Greeks
19 Rhodes SA 238 Romans
20 lexus SA 233 Germans
21 OutlawJJ GA 229 Chinese
22 Ducem SA 225 British
23 Führer CWA 224 Korean
24 SiKariOMaLdItO AA 196 British
25 Scipio IA 191 Germans
26 Ostania CWA 183 French
27 Adam IA 174 Japanese
28 Death The Great AA 172 British
29 Sir Iii GA 165 Chinese
30 muslim82 GA 158 Chinese
31 Longjing EA 150 Chinese
32 LMAO IA 131 French
33 Dafaq IA 129 Chinese
34 Pfff IA 128 Romans
35 Booooooom! IA 128 Greeks
36 O.o IA 128 Germans
37 Piupiupiu IA 127 British
38 John Floyd GP 121 Greeks
39 DeathCometh IA 101 Chinese
40 Mag mag GP 95 French
41 onion EA 83 Japanese
42 julie MA 78 Japanese
43 omega_00 MA 73 Romans
44 Majikcal GP 57 Korean
45 aivar250 GP 49 Chinese
46 ant GP 41 Japanese