
Alliance Comparison

Black Flag
#3442 13585 Fly #1205
Avg: 196 Top: 396
1Auto(377) 3Drone(364) 1Info(339) 1DA 8SA 7CWA 5AA 4GA 9IA 6EA 1GP 1MA 1CA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Truebell Drone 396 Germans
2 DubbleU Auto 377 Romans
3 Daniel K Drone 357 Germans
4 Wan Info 339 Romans
5 Mills Drone 338 Chinese
6 Dank SA 289 Japanese
7 #Name6# CWA 284 British
8 Posfolk SA 279 Greeks
9 James DA 275 Romans
10 Jericho SA 272 French
11 Ankush SA 266 Romans
12 Meeeeeeee SA 259 Japanese
13 Darren CWA 256 Chinese
14 Lord Buggybob SA 255 Greeks
15 Austin315 CWA 251 Romans
16 Elkhunter89 AA 249 Greeks
17 Kneecapper Clan SA 236 Chinese
18 Denied CWA 235 French
19 otu adu SA 225 Japanese
20 Bagan AA 225 Japanese
21 Markoslovakia CWA 219 Greeks
22 Hughness CWA 213 Japanese
23 David the Great AA 210 Romans
24 rajputs GA 201 Germans
25 LightsOut IA 200 Greeks
26 Henderson AA 194 Greeks
27 Destroyer GA 188 Chinese
28 Abu Bakar CWA 183 Japanese
29 KS1 GA 164 Germans
30 CzarGannibal GA 162 Greeks
31 The white death AA 156 Germans
32 wolf.saeed IA 149 Germans
33 STEINER IA 147 Germans
34 Mustafa IA 139 Chinese
35 Panglima IA 130 Japanese
36 Epicgamer12 IA 129 Chinese
37 Krognos IA 107 Korean
38 Cowabunga EA 106 Chinese
39 Ared IA 97 Germans
40 Gkatzos IA 95 Greeks
41 Byd. EA 88 Japanese
42 Realm EA 83 French
43 Rome EA 82 Germans
44 iAmDaddy EA 77 Chinese
45 Enrik GP 77 Romans
46 Khaos EA 77 Chinese
47 ReZkAA77 MA 54 French
48 Pendekar CA 32 Japanese
#2141 15812 Fly #680
Avg: 227 Top: 368
2Drone(354) 2Info(330) 2DA(279) 6SA 4CWA 3AA 3GA 4IA 2GP
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Piratesteve Drone 368 British
2 illummanquedea Drone 340 British
3 Brutes Info 336 Chinese
4 Atec Inca Info 324 British
5 Iustin SA 321 Korean
6 Shawn SA 300 British
7 adel SA 294 Korean
8 Atrocius CWA 292 Korean
9 Amaral DA 284 Greeks
10 Wow DA 274 Chinese
11 Mehrdad III SA 249 Greeks
12 imanish SA 228 French
13 Law SA 227 Germans
14 Tubers CWA 220 Chinese
15 HornedRat GA 208 Romans
16 Kay CWA 208 Chinese
17 Queen Cecile AA 205 Chinese
18 dave23 GA 199 Chinese
19 Marcus Aurelius IA 199 French
20 Bagtut AA 194 Greeks
21 Maharg CWA 187 Romans
22 commando AA 185 French
23 Buster GA 170 Chinese
24 Ceta IA 137 Chinese
25 Quintessa IA 137 Korean
26 DaFa IA 124 French
27 Vutha GP 84 Chinese
28 Thăng GP 54 British