
Alliance Comparison

#2121 15901 Feather #884
Avg: 238 Top: 456
3Auto(411) 1Drone(342) 5Info(358) 2DA 1SA 6CWA 2AA 2GA 5IA 3EA 1GP 1Iron
# Name Age Level Nation
1 General Slobo Auto 456 Germans
2 Big A Auto 393 British
3 MrWK Auto 385 French
4 Bas Info 379 Germans
5 Marro DA 379 French
6 Wokfuu Info 373 French
7 Golden Dragon Info 357 French
8 Maximus Info 356 Germans
9 Igor Drone 342 British
10 Tryst SA 329 Germans
11 Sleeping bear Info 327 Greeks
12 Piebird1 DA 295 British
13 Poekie CWA 293 Germans
14 DULAU CWA 289 Romans
15 Rya AA 232 Korean
16 Walio987 CWA 227 Greeks
17 MadMax CWA 222 Germans
18 Gzimi GA 203 French
19 hhhhh IA 187 British
20 Fazol1983 CWA 187 Japanese
21 Texas P CWA 184 Romans
22 hello IA 166 Japanese
23 Stone AA 152 Romans
24 Its_AR GA 136 Chinese
25 Hverse EA 123 Chinese
26 Grandpa_Karl EA 117 British
27 Abhi EA 116 Greeks
28 Romil IA 98 Romans
29 bobi IA 97 British
30 Ouhj IA 94 French
31 GSIII GP 92 British
32 Roma new-member Iron 20 Greeks
Cowboy Griffin
#2871 14386 Fly #984
Avg: 197 Top: 396
2Auto(389) 2Info(332) 2DA(284) 4SA 1CWA 4AA 5IA 3EA 1MA 3Iron
# Name Age Level Nation
1 12thMan Auto 396 Germans
2 crackima Auto 382 Romans
3 Michael Info 338 Romans
4 TheLTrain Info 326 Germans
5 Herewego DA 290 Romans
6 Lord Mad Man DA 278 Germans
7 deathbringer SA 260 Romans
8 Orpheo SA 252 British
9 Alexey AA 248 Germans
10 lord ujjal SA 240 British
11 javaaad AA 238 Chinese
12 karanxubba SA 226 Chinese
13 Kelloggs AA 221 Germans
14 Dawid AA 200 Greeks
15 Eireish CWA 195 Greeks
16 The GOAT IA 184 Chinese
17 New Town IA 175 Japanese
18 Ferrisbk IA 166 Greeks
19 ChriSa EA 152 Romans
20 Pmpddt IA 136 Japanese
21 DeathDealer EA 121 Germans
22 TRINO IA 118 Greeks
23 ainzard new-member EA 86 Germans
24 The Honest man MA 31 French
25 thony Iron 23 Romans
26 Dj Yay Iron 15 Germans
27 Griff Iron 12 Romans