
Alliance Comparison

M&N italia
#5432 12071 Fly #1619
Avg: 127 Top: 231
2CWA(217) 3AA(191) 12GA(198) 3IA 1GP 6MA 4CA 3Iron
# Name Age Level Nation
1 mik GA 231 Chinese
2 Luigi CWA 218 Romans
3 gigio CWA 216 Greeks
4 Lucy GA 216 Romans
5 Amazing GA 215 Chinese
6 noel AA 210 Romans
7 Forrest AA 206 British
8 ARES GA 204 Romans
9 noel GA 199 British
10 SEB 76 GA 198 Romans
11 Khono GA 197 Romans
12 COMMANDO GA 194 Chinese
13 Ezio GA 188 Romans
14 ƙཞıʂ GA 186 Korean
15 ÄLȧ§ÄñÐRÖ GA 181 Korean
16 reggio IA 163 Chinese
17 Brigida GA 163 Germans
18 Pigi Beto AA 158 Romans
19 CREKERS⁷¹ IA 153 Romans
20 fauciopoli IA 109 Romans
21 Riccidio MA 73 Romans
22 benito il grand GP 70 Greeks
23 ale2 MA 47 Chinese
24 Kolyaninja MA 45 Romans
25 Kim jong-du MA 41 Romans
26 pupof MA 38 Romans
27 Roccomioni MA 33 Romans
28 feder1co CA 29 Greeks
29 ChrisIlMitico CA 27 Japanese
30 Giulio Cesare CA 24 Romans
31 Lapp3los CA 23 Greeks
32 Leader Iron 22 Germans
33 citta Iron 16 Romans
34 Carlo Magno Iron 12 Romans
#657 20621 Feather #318
Avg: 265 Top: 437
6Auto(417) 4Drone(360) 6Info(332) 5DA 4SA 4CWA 7AA 4GA 3IA 2EA 1GP 1MA 1CA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Alexus Auto 437 Germans
2 Dizel Auto 436 Germans
3 ARRIS Auto 422 Germans
4 Decebal new-member Auto 412 Chinese
5 Feeder Auto 401 Chinese
6 Filip the Great Auto 393 Germans
7 Alin Drone 385 Romans
8 Pharrell DA 380 Germans
9 Evs Info 374 Germans
10 Mircea Drone 365 Germans
11 Liv town Drone 347 Germans
12 Zicanu DA 346 Germans
13 Clovnea Drone 343 Chinese
14 Simioane Info 341 Romans
15 Cla Info 324 Germans
16 Aditzu Info 324 Greeks
17 ciuci Info 321 Greeks
18 Sorin CWA 315 Romans
19 Cipr3a Info 307 Chinese
20 Sfarma Falci™ DA 304 Korean
21 Decebal SA 295 Germans
22 Balk4nic CWA 295 French
23 justme SA 285 Romans
24 Sima DA 281 Romans
25 Anakin SA 274 French
26 Diana DA 270 Romans
27 carina69 SA 248 Greeks
28 Deck GA 231 Romans
29 Leader AA 227 Greeks
30 Bili AA 227 French
31 Nobody GA 225 Germans
32 bogdan GA 223 Korean
33 Cîmptown CWA 209 Japanese
34 Eldoradio CWA 206 Romans
35 Socrate AA 200 Chinese
36 ACE AA 199 Korean
37 kirakitty GA 194 Korean
38 Rantonidi AA 181 Germans
39 little pony AA 180 Chinese
40 Kingslanding IA 176 Korean
41 CRISS AA 164 British
42 Rey EA 136 French
43 mmmm IA 133 Korean
44 Alexanders IA 122 French
45 The D Town EA 111 French
46 Inzaghi1357 GP 81 French
47 Gandalf@ MA 50 British
48 AnD CA 32 Chinese