
Alliance Comparison

#194 8455 Feather #24
Avg: 216 Top: 437
9Auto(403) 2Drone(354) 2Info(328) 6DA 2SA 2CWA 5AA 7IA 2EA 5GP 5Iron
# Name Age Level Nation
1 вася Auto 437 Germans
2 Володимир Auto 435 Germans
3 Vinny Auto 425 Romans
4 Leader Auto 395 Germans
5 Archangel Auto 394 Germans
6 TMBRD Auto 393 Germans
7 е67 Auto 392 Germans
8 Pitn Auto 379 Romans
9 GOD OF WAR Auto 374 Germans
10 Михаил Drone 361 Germans
11 Amway Drone 346 Germans
12 Eugene Info 331 Romans
13 славян Info 325 Korean
14 Defender DA 291 Germans
15 леха DA 285 Germans
16 Soo DA 277 Germans
17 ютуб.fearbig198 DA 273 French
18 DeppA DA 270 Germans
19 дон DA 265 Germans
20 исрапил AA 245 Germans
21 Алллаа SA 242 Germans
22 godowar43 SA 236 Germans
23 OxyG AA 229 Chinese
24 elsauron CWA 201 Romans
25 Marla Singer AA 194 Romans
26 defer AA 192 Germans
27 Алексей IA 188 Chinese
28 wasj CWA 187 Germans
29 handanil IA 170 Chinese
30 Alex AA 160 Chinese
31 Леха IA 136 Japanese
32 шляпа IA 125 Chinese
33 X solo IA 124 British
34 Фет new-member GP 120 Greeks
35 shox IA 120 Chinese
36 Skor56 GP 108 Japanese
37 WeRte new-member EA 87 Japanese
38 Lorderon228 new-member IA 85 British
39 Лапша GP 82 Romans
40 vlad new-member GP 75 Japanese
41 Evgen new-member EA 69 Romans
42 SINDYCATE new-member GP 47 Japanese
43 67e Iron 19 Chinese
44 Танкист Iron 16 Germans
45 ШАМПУР Iron 15 Japanese
46 ПЕРФОРАТОР Iron 15 Japanese
47 ШУРУПОВЁРТ Iron 15 Japanese
#724 5577 Feather #184
Avg: 270 Top: 459
9Auto(408) 5Drone(370) 3Info(339) 6DA 2SA 5CWA 5AA 7GA 2IA 1EA 1Iron
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Death Auto 459 Germans
2 Bangkok Auto 430 Germans
3 Gaborone Auto 429 Chinese
4 Edinburgh Auto 414 Germans
5 Rock Auto 413 Chinese
6 Fita Drone 411 Germans
7 quick Auto 394 Chinese
8 Charlie Auto 387 Germans
9 dam Auto 376 Romans
10 Carbodin Info 373 French
11 Sarge Auto 372 Romans
12 Kush Drone 366 Germans
13 lukacius Drone 365 French
14 Matt Drone 364 Chinese
15 Jeposone DA 358 Chinese
16 LaffyLeo new-member Drone 344 Germans
17 TAC40 Info 330 Romans
18 Lord 01 Info 315 Romans
19 Malgudi SA 306 Germans
20 Kiełbasa DA 304 Chinese
21 tblaze DA 299 Greeks
22 Irish II CWA 298 British
23 niels DA 296 Romans
24 Tommy Boy DA 294 Germans
25 Stefan DA 292 Romans
26 IllusionX CWA 269 Chinese
27 Gurt SA 225 British
28 + Sn4ke + CWA 207 French
29 Clomp CWA 205 Germans
30 David the Great GA 199 British
31 Mizdrak CWA 184 Korean
32 Narith369 AA 176 Chinese
33 Munir AA 170 Romans
34 The great AA 168 French
35 werdna AA 168 British
36 Beebbeb AA 161 Korean
37 Josh IA 156 Greeks
38 Seamoo GA 152 Greeks
39 Kronos_35- GA 147 Japanese
40 Elleece IA 147 Greeks
41 Hlelo's Kingdom GA 147 Romans
42 alen new-member GA 144 Greeks
43 Supreme GA 141 Greeks
44 Mike GA 138 British
45 KAJ EA 133 Greeks
46 baby boz Iron 14 Germans