
Alliance Comparison

#568 21248 Feather #266
Avg: 241 Top: 458
8Auto(417) 5Drone(366) 7Info(328) 3SA 3CWA 5AA 1GA 4IA 1EA 2GP 1MA 3CA 2Iron
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Alistea Auto 458 Germans
2 Baba Auto 452 Greeks
3 Augustus Auto 445 Chinese
4 tommuller Auto 432 Germans
5 Marco Auto 406 Germans
6 AMTEE Info 403 Romans
7 Dada80 Auto 390 Germans
8 andy Auto 375 Romans
9 Toridar Auto 375 French
10 Chris Drone 372 Japanese
11 Mäde Drone 370 Greeks
12 Gjasula Drone 364 Chinese
13 Mosel Drone 362 Germans
14 Airlight Drone 361 Germans
15 Deltoya Info 343 Greeks
16 Lumen histoire Info 316 Greeks
17 Leslee Info 309 Romans
18 Stuedi Info 309 British
19 Chrigi Info 307 Greeks
20 Vincent I Info 306 Germans
21 Bolak CWA 276 Romans
22 Xhemil AA 262 Greeks
23 Eggimann SA 255 Japanese
24 Voetsek SA 251 Chinese
25 Desi CWA 238 Japanese
26 Schubi8 SA 229 British
27 Dennpablo CWA 183 Chinese
28 Junior AA 183 Chinese
29 Reutlingen AA 171 Germans
30 Eros IA 170 French
31 Bracklord AA 161 Chinese
32 Watson AA 152 British
33 königvonBREMEN GA 143 British
34 Turicum IA 132 Chinese
35 muhammad IA 113 Romans
36 TheDEVIl GP 99 Greeks
37 lölistadt IA 88 Chinese
38 besnik EA 76 Germans
39 Silencio GP 65 Germans
40 Arthur MA 48 Greeks
41 Schübi CA 29 Germans
42 Marv Iron 24 Romans
43 wolfsblut44 CA 24 Chinese
44 Lord. Fiete CA 19 Chinese
45 Biboforce Iron 12 Germans
Loyal Americans
#1435 17935 Feather #628
Avg: 298 Top: 433
6Auto(410) 4Drone(376) 6Info(324) 10DA 2SA 5CWA 6AA 3GA 1IA
# Name Age Level Nation
1 Dane Auto 433 Germans
2 Robert2015 Auto 428 Romans
3 Michytown Auto 426 French
4 Matthew Drone 423 Chinese
5 B12Special Auto 401 Romans
6 Barna Auto 393 Japanese
7 Terrentius Auto 382 Chinese
8 Jumangio Info 364 Germans
9 Dcp Drone 362 French
10 Juneau Drone 361 Romans
11 LFD4920 Drone 359 Greeks
12 Michael DA 359 Chinese
13 Mister DA 343 British
14 Edifice Rex DA 331 Romans
15 MarcusKan Info 326 Romans
16 Ram29 Info 325 Greeks
17 Blitz Info 315 Germans
18 Wonderer Info 311 Chinese
19 BSchiddy Info 302 Romans
20 hoppin54 DA 296 French
21 MBoza300 DA 295 Greeks
22 BabyFuzz CWA 287 Chinese
23 Oma the Grand AA 287 Korean
24 Earthpilgrim DA 282 Greeks
25 Until the end DA 281 Greeks
26 J man DA 280 Romans
27 Max Hansen CWA 280 Chinese
28 ahura CWA 275 Germans
29 Erik the great CWA 273 French
30 Harthacnut DA 270 British
31 Stud muffin SA 263 French
32 Mehp DA 260 British
33 Gen Damage 2 AA 253 Chinese
34 MBeezy SA 245 French
35 Bravustus AA 242 British
36 Warwolf AA 235 Romans
37 Beans CWA 226 Japanese
38 village seven GA 200 Germans
39 Meg AA 199 French
40 Davvid217 new-member GA 176 Romans
41 Campbell614 IA 169 Germans
42 Ximzam1 AA 155 Germans
43 Sir hector GA 143 Romans